


The website is provided for information and educational purposes only.

This website DOES NOT provide any form of professional advice, including but not limited to, accounting, financial, investment, legal or medical.  Please consult a licensed professional in your jurisdiction if you need any of these services.

We do not make claims or guarantees.

This website cannot guarantee income in any form or amount.


We cannot be responsible for errors or omissions due to the volume of information and vast number of sources providing the information.

This site is provided with the sole purpose of giving away digital downloads of internet marketing content to our visitors. There are no upsells or opt-in requirements.

I have been branding myself as the “Free Tools Guy”. I have been building, buying or outsourcing the development of free sites, primarily in the home based business and small business market, over the past few years.

I hope you enjoy the material on the site. Although some of the material may be somewhat dated, there is still plenty of quality content that can help you in any business venture.

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